SOS: Why B2B Companies Should Care About SEO

In the modern digital landscape, the significance of SEO cannot be overstated, especially for B2B enterprises. To remain competitive and thrive in today's cutthroat market, it should be a must for B2B companies to integrate SEO into their marketing strategy.

#1. What is SEO?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, encompasses a range of techniques aimed at enhancing a website's visibility on search engines like Google and Baidu. In essence, SEO helps your web pages surface among the top results from millions of search outcomes. 

Effective B2B SEO revolves around two key elements:

  • Technical Optimization:

This entails ensuring your website is technically robust with fast loading times, mobile optimization, user-friendly navigation, and proper meta tags and keywords.

  • Content Optimization:

Crafting relevant, informative, and engaging content that caters to your target audience's needs and inquiries. Building high-quality backlinks through PR mentions and social media marketing is essential to bolstering a website's authority and credibility.

#2 Why SEO Matters for B2B Enterprises?

71% of B2B buyers initiate their research through generic Google searches. However, a quarter of them never click past the first page of search results. This underscores the pivotal role of SEO in driving more traffic to your website, meaning more leads that companies may convert into clients. 

#3 SEO Challenges for B2B Enterprises

When optimizing their website, B2B enterprises have to face unique challenges due to its complex sales funnel which addresses different kinds of audiences at different stages of the decision process. Key characteristics of B2B industries include:

  • Complex Sales Funnel

B2B sales cycles are typically very long and involve multiple decision-makers. Effectively engaging various stakeholders at different buying stages is vital.

  • Low Conversion Rate

B2B SEO often presents lower conversion rates compared to B2C, owing to the complexity of the sales process, particularly in industries marketing expensive products or services.

  • Low Keyword Volume

B2B companies often operate in niche industries, demanding precise keyword research to connect with the right audience. However, this leads to lower search volumes for their keywords.

#4 Our Tips for a Successful B2B SEO Strategy

To surmount these challenges and leverage the potential of SEO, B2B companies should adopt the following strategies:

  • Keyword Research

Conduct in-depth keyword research to identify low-volume, high-value keywords that resonate with your target audience.

  • Content Strategy

Develop content that caters to the unique needs and concerns of B2B buyers at every stage of their journey. This includes informative blog posts, press releases, social media marketing, videos, and participation in conferences or webinars.

  • Thought Leadership

Establishing thought leadership is paramount in B2B marketing. Showcase your expertise and industry leadership through content that positions your company as a trusted source of solutions, ultimately persuading leads to choose you.


B2B enterprises must acknowledge the indispensable role of SEO in the contemporary digital marketplace. SEO goes beyond mere search rankings; it's about connecting with a specialized audience, addressing their specific requirements, and building trust through thought leadership. Embracing B2B SEO as a core growth strategy is not a choice but a necessity in the ever-evolving online business world.

At Eastant, we support our clients to improve the visibility of their website in different global search engines. If you are interested in tailoring your SEO strategy for the Chinese market, please don't hesitate to schedule a meeting with us at